38 photos   2736 visits

member since 13 May 2011

0 Heey Guys

My name is Sarah and I`m from Australia. I`m a wildlife photographer, or rather, a future wildlife photographer. Now, I'm just a teenager :D. I live near to Dreamworld Zoo, where I usually take pics ;). My father works there, and I always love animals, especially big cats. I can't really say I'm new to photography, but I'm learning new things everyday. I'm in an graphic high school (forget to say that I'm 16) where I do my best ;).

Hope you'll like my account :*

P.S: I use a Nikon D60 and sometimesc my dad's camera, a Fuji Film S5800 :D.
A pic with me, Im a shy girl :D
A pic with me, Im a shy girl :D

Comments • 4

CupcakexDx 13 May 2011  
Heei ♥
JustFly 13 May 2011  
Hello, Sarah! :)
xGlamQueenx5 13 May 2011  
Hi :)
TigerGirl 13 May 2011  
heey :X
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